
In retail we trust

Retail Estates invests mainly in retail properties located on the periphery of residential areas or along access roads to urban centres.


Number of shops


% occupancy


Retail area m²


Fair value of the portfolio (000 EUR)

Retail Estates is a public regulated real estate company ('RREC' – ‘Belgian REIT’) investing in out-of-town retail properties located outside the largest cities of Belgium and the Netherlands.

Its most important goal is to assemble, manage and extend a portfolio of peripheral retail properties, which ensures steady, long-term growth, due to its location and the quality and diversification of its tenants. The predetermined growth results both from the value of the asset and the income generated from leasing.

Geographical Distribution *

Type of building *

Growth of portfolio

Commercial activities *

* The pie charts show percentages based on the total retail area on 30 September 2024

Our portfolio for rent

Retail Estates seeks to have as many different retail sectors as possible represented in its list of tenants, with a preference for sectors known to have valuable retail outlets. In times of economic hardship, not all retail sectors are equally affected by a possible fall in turnover. A good distribution over various sectors limits the risks attached to negative economic developments.

Latest news

First green loan for Retail Estates


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Tv interview with CEO Jan De Nys on Kanaal Z

Tv interview with CEO Jan De Nys on Kanaal Z


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Third quarter results 2024-2025: Retail Estates’ results continue to evolve positively

Third quarter results 2024-2025: Retail Estates’ results continue to evolve positively


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